WhatsApp released Dark Theme for Android beta testers! - Tekinika

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WhatsApp released Dark Theme for Android beta testers!

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WhatsApp has recently submitted a new update through the Google Play Beta Program, bringing the version up to 2.20.13.

Download WhatsApp Beta for Android here 2.20.13 APK

Let’s find out together more about this updates:

  • You need to update your WhatsApp version to the 2.20.13 Android beta update, in order to use the Dark Theme feature.
  • Previous updates might get the feature as well, but WhatsApp is always used to enable features in recent updates (that might contain bug fixes and improvements for the feature), so you should install the update as above mentioned.
  • If you have already updated to the most recent version available and you don’t see the feature, please back up your chat history and reinstall WhatsApp if you don’t want to wait more.
    Every time you reinstall WhatsApp, the most updated configurations from the server are downloaded, enabling the feature for you.
  • If you have reinstalled the app and the feature persists to not be enabled, unfortunately the only thing that you can do is to wait: the feature will be automatically enabled in the next updates.

WABetaInfo announced that WhatsApp is finally rolling out, for all Android beta users, the Dark Theme feature!

Let’s see some screenshots and how to discover if the feature is already available for you.
As I previously wrote above, the first requirement is to have, at least, the 2.20.13 installed. If you have installed the update, the Dark Theme might be available for you: check out WhatsApp Settings > Chats!

If you see this section, you are lucky and you can use the feature! In this section you can find:

  • Light theme: it’s the usual white theme that you have always used in these years.
  • Dark theme: it’s the one that you wished to have in WhatsApp!
  • System default: WhatsApp identifies the theme used by your Android system (if light or dark), and sets it in WhatsApp automatically. It’s useful if you use the latest Android version (Android Q) that supports Dark theme system-wide.
  • Set by Battery Saver: available on Android 9 and lower versions, allows to automatically switch to light/dark theme, in according to your Battery Saver settings.

When the Dark Theme is enabled, every section in your app will be turned to dark colors (precisely the Dark Theme uses night blue colors). For example here you can see how the Privacy Settings appear when dark:

The chat appears with dark and green bubbles. Event bubbles are also dark:

If you are a beta tester and you see Themes in WhatsApp Chat Settings, you can finally enable the feature. If the feature is not available for you, and you have already followed our suggestions to get it, don’t worry: WhatsApp has started to roll out the feature, so you will receive it very soon! 

Let us know in comment if you like this feature.

Images credit/WABetaInfo

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