Bitcoin Sets New All-Time High of $24,667.63, on Christmas Day - tekiniko - Tekinika

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Bitcoin Sets New All-Time High of $24,667.63, on Christmas Day - tekiniko

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Bitcoin has recorded a new all-time high on Christmas day, setting its new high at over $24,600. Bitcoin is up by over 5.5 percent in the past 24 hours, and has climbed 2.4 % in the past hour at press time. In the past month, BTC’s price is up by almost 30%.

According to crypto analytics firm Santiment, larger Bitcoin addresses are continuing to accumulate, and smaller retail addresses have stopped buying Bitcoin at the $19,000 level.

Roubini recently slammed Bitcoin when it hit recent highs and was last trading above $23,300. The economist said, "First of all, calling it a currency it’s not a currency. It’s not a unit of account, it’s not a means of payment, it’s not a stable store of value. Secondly, it’s not even an asset."

According to Roubini, Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. He pointed out that assets bonds, stocks, real estate, or precious metals either provide income, capital gains or some form of utility.

Crypto data firm Glassnode alerts also recently noted that Bitcoin’s percent supply more than a year active has reached a 7-month low at 59.601%.

Bitcoin’s active supply between 6m to 12m has reached a 2-year low at just over 1,690,000,000 BTC.

A cryptocurrency trader believes that as Bitcoin makes a new high, there could be a lot more upside for Ethereum (ETH) as well.

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