WhatsApp new feature will increase the limit of people in group video and audio calls - Tekinika

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WhatsApp new feature will increase the limit of people in group video and audio calls

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After releasing the Dark Theme, WhatsApp is continuing to work on new features in order to improve the app.

WhatsApp new feature will increase the limit of people in group video and audio calls

Today WhatsApp is planning to extend the limit of participants in a voice or video group call.

This is a decision already made. Actually it’s possible to have group calls with 4 participants (including you) but WhatsApp, probably due to the concerns for the Covid-19 and the fact that more users are using group calls, has decided to extend that limit to allow calls with more participants.

However, the company has not revealed how many users can finally join the group call in the new feature. When you are on a call, Whatsapp will show a new header saying that the call is end-to-end encrypted.

You should know now that all participants will have to be on the most recent WhatsApp version for iOS and Android to be able to participate in a bigger group call.

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