Due to coronavirus and the war against fake news, WhatsApp has recently introduced some new features and changes like to search your messages on the web, in order to verify if it contains fake news (a very growing phenomenon during this period), and videos sent to your status decreased to 15 seconds in some country.
Other participants need to be on the same versions, otherwise they cannot be added in the group call.
WhatsApp has recently applied some changes about the Call button in groups. If you were in a small group with 4 participants, you can directly start a call without choosing the participants, because all participants will be automatically added in the call.
From the first days of April, WhatsApp was testing a new feature that allows to add more than 4 participants in a call. Their test included to adjust the UI to allow to see more participants.
Today WhatsApp is finally ready to roll out the possibility to add 8 participants in a group voice or video call, for everyone having the latest iOS and Android beta update installed.
Some requirements
- You need to update your WhatsApp version to the most recent Android and iOS beta updates, in order to be able to create a call with more than 4 participants.
- If you have already updated but you don’t see the feature, you can consider to back up your chat history and reinstall WhatsApp, if you don’t want to wait more.
You need to install the iOS beta update from TestFlight and the 2.20.133 beta from Google Play.
Other participants need to be on the same versions, otherwise they cannot be added in the group call.
How to add more participants
- Open a group and tap the Call button: if the group has a number of participants higher than the old limit (4) in a call, WhatsApp will ask which contacts you wish to call to, otherwise the call will be directly started.
- Open the Calls tab, tap the Call button, then select New group call: here you can select which contacts to call.
You can keep in touch with your family and friends better.
We can stay safe at home, but we can meet virtually more people we love using WhatsApp.
We can stay safe at home, but we can meet virtually more people we love using WhatsApp.
WhatsApp calls are end-to-end encrypted, so WhatsApp, Facebook and third parties can’t listen to them.
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